Comic artist and college student, Niko is a sarcastic, naive and literal nineteen-year-old who pays more attention to her friends and art than her studies.

Speech square color: Blue

An openly gay college student, Me is a naive, loyal and literal nineteen-year-old whose track record of relationships has yet to impose upon his cheery disposition.

Speech square color: Orange

Mysterious woman and witch, Rose is a sarcastic, enigmatic and powerful woman whose age and reason for being on a college campus are "you don't wanna know."

Speech square color: Red

A quiet and studious college student, Jax is a reserved, discriminating and intelligent twentyone-year-old whose eyes are always closed, as is his heart.

Speech square color: Green

Alien college student, Kym is a bitchy, controlling and curious alien who thinks her disguise has everyone fooled. Especially her roomate Niko.

Speech square color: Yellow

Niko's stuffed bunny. David is as loyal and friendly as any inanimate object can be.

Heart-breaking college student, David (Maxwell) is a sly, cunning and debonair twentytwo-year-old whose services are offered in all areas of romance. Says so on his business card.

Speech square color: Purple

Reclusive college student, Karyx is a considerate, creative and cynical seventeen-year-old whose internet friendship with Niko is one of her only escapes from the idiots at school.

Speech square color: Teal

Misunderstood artist, Perpagulliam is a curious, creative and deeply sincere nineteen-year-old who loves to make films with her hidden camera.

Speech square color: Grey

English professor at UNS, Julian is an optimistic, cheerful and blunt twentysix-year-old whose work ethic is questionable.

Chemist at a labratory near UNS, Surge is a stand-offish, introverted and focused twentyfour-year-old who lives with his blind younger sister.

Property of Karyx